1-8 Handbook


Handbook for the Main Prep Site (Years 1 to 8)


Parents’ Handbook 2024-2025 Main Prep Site (Years 1 to 8)

Ethos ‘A Christian caring environment in which each pupil is valued for himself, in which each is given the opportunity of full development, and in which all concerned, pupils, Staff and Governors strive for excellence.’

Leadership and Governance

Senior Leadership Team

Head - Mr Miles Chester Deputy Head – Mr Tony McConnell Deputy Head - Mr Andrew Crook

Head of Pre-Prep – Mrs Colette Quinlivan Assistant Head (Academic) – Mrs Lisa Waddell Assistant Head (Wellbeing) – Mr Richard Waddington School Business Manager – Ms Colleen Phillips


The Merchant Taylors’ Company founded the school in 1561 and the Merchant Taylors’ Educational Trust continues to be responsible to the Court of the Merchant Taylors’ Company for ensuring the due governance of Merchant Taylors’ School. The Governing Body consists of: representatives of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors’ of the Fraternity of St John Baptist in the City of London; OMTs; the Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School; Head of Merchant Taylors' Prep; the Bursar; and figures from the world of education and local community. A representative of the teaching faculty also attends meetings. Close links between the Company and the School have helped the school prosper for 450 years and it is our most earnest wish that they continue to do so. Mr Eggar, Chair of Governors, can be contacted via MTS.

Uniform and equipment list

Items marked with an asterisk (*) must be obtained from the official School supplier, Pullens and no substitute will be acceptable. Other items may be bought there or elsewhere. If there are problems over any item please enquire at the School before a substitute is obtained.

Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly named, with your son’s first name and surname.

Pullens Ltd. School Outfitters: 48 – 50 Church Road, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4AH TELEPHONE: 0208 954 3850 50 High Street, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 1BL TELEPHONE: 01923 840050 https://www.uniform4kids.com/collections/merchant-taylors-prep-school When your child outgrows his school coat or blazer please do not dispose of it outside the School community. Such items, in good condition, can be offered for sale through the Parents' Association Second Hand Uniform Sales held regularly.

Years 1 and 2 uniform and equipment

Winter uniform: all boys must wear this from October half term.

Blazer, navy and tangerine stripe* 3 in 1 Coat, navy* Tie, navy and tangerine stripe* Shirt, white long-sleeved (button fastening rather than Velcro please) Trousers, mid grey Pullover, mid grey with trim* (please sew in a long loop for hanging up) Socks, mid grey Outdoor shoes with Velcro fastenings, black, plain style (with non-slip soles). No slip-on shoes or laces please.

Painting overall, navy with Velcro front fastening* (please sew in a long loop for hanging up) Sweatshirt, navy blue* oversized to go over uniform in winter (please sew in a long loop for hanging up) Scarf, navy and tangerine stripe* (optional) Gloves, plain navy (optional) Winter ski hat with school logo * Wellington boots (any colour or design is acceptable)

As above except: Polo shirt, white with school logo*, in place of shirt. Shorts, mid grey or trousers, mid grey (winter uniform trousers can be worn in summer if preferred) Baseball hat, navy with school logo* ‘legionnaires’ style is best - this is essential for playing outdoors in the sun. Summer uniform: all Year 1 and 2 pupils must wear this after May half term. Winter or summer uniform may be worn from September and all pupils are expected to be in full winter uniform after October half-term. Pupils may wear summer or winter uniform from Easter but are expected to be in full summer uniform after May half-term. All boys must have a blazer. These are required for all official school occasions and are worn daily to school between May and October. School coats can be worn over School jumpers between October and May. Equipment School Book Bag * Paper tissues or handkerchief *Art apron with Velcro fastenings (Please sew in a large tape hook, so the children can hang the aprons themselves).

Pupils in Years 1 and 2 are provided with a pencil case. They are to bring in the following items to put in the pencil case: pencil (HB), colouring pencils and a Pritt stick (40g is ideal).

Forest school equipment – extra jumper (an old/rough jumper which is large enough to fit over their school uniform) and thick socks (to go over school socks) when wearing wellington boots.

Please label all items with your child’s name.

Years 1 and 2 PE Kit

Plain white T-Shirt with name printed on the front* PE shorts, navy* Jogging bottoms, plain navy* Astro trainers any colour (with Velcro fastenings – no laces any colour). Blue drawstring PE bag with name printed*

Please put a spare pair of underpants and socks in PE bags - accidents do happen!

Prescription Goggles/Contact Lenses during PE and Games (for those who require them)

In Pre-Prep the wearing of prescription goggles is encouraged for the safety of both the user and other players on the field of play where necessary. Alternatively, pupils may use a lanyard to secure their glasses during PE/Games sessions. If a lanyard is used, parents should consult their optician to ensure that glasses are suitable and safe for team and contact activities (e.g. suitable lenses/frames are shatterproof with no sharp edges). Please note that pupils will be expected to wear prescription goggles for competitive fixtures against other schools when they move to Year 4 (simply adding a lanyard will not be an option). If you are unsure please speak to the Director of Sport. We will make an assessment of boys during games and contact parents if necessary to discuss further.

Years 3 to 8 uniform and equipment

Items marked with an asterisk* must be obtained from Pullens: see above Day Wear School tie* School blazer* Navy blue anorak* White shirt, long or short sleeves according to weather and preference Medium grey trousers (no pockets on leg, i.e. combat trousers) or shorts according to weather and preference Medium grey V-necked pullover, long sleeves, with School ribbing* Medium grey plain socks Outdoor shoes (black, plain style) Painting overall* Hats*: winter ski hats, summer baseball caps (blue or white for cricket) available from Pullens are the only hats to be worn in school.

School Colours Tie Full School Colours are awarded to pupils who perform or serve the School with particular distinction. These pupils are entitled to wear the special tie and this is available from Pullens with the appropriate paperwork that we will provide.

Years 3 to 8 Sportswear Pupils are expected to have a PE kit in school at all times to allow for timetable changes throughout the week. (Bring in on Mondays and take home to be laundered at weekends). It should be in the regulation PE bag, available from Pullens. The PE bag should be named. All games kit needs to be brought to school in a small or medium sized sports holdall, (not the large coffin type cricket bag, except in the cricket season) on Games days and when needed for after school activities. Sports bags should be taken to the correct area on arrival at school. Kit must be taken home for washing after each games afternoon. All pupils will be expected to play outdoor games throughout the year. Naming sports clothes Please ensure all items of clothing, footwear and sports bags are clearly labelled. Larger labels can be stitched on to clothing, or names written on the size tag. Thank you for your assistance in labelling your child’s clothes. It will help us to identify clothing quickly, and return sportswear to its owner if it is misplaced or lost.

Y3/4 Swimming Kit:

Speedo type trunks navy/black Drawstring bag clearly named (not a plastic carrier bag)

Comb Towel Goggles (adjusted to fit at home and previously checked for comfort)

Years 3 to 8 PE Kit Black, dry fit, MTP polo shirt with collar* Black MTP shorts (with red piping)* Black games socks (long with MTP on calf)* Black hooded top with red panels* Non-marking trainers for sports hall use (any colour/not to be used on the Astro Turf pitch) Astro trainers for use on the Astro Turf pitch (Not for sports hall use) MTP PE bag* It is recommended that boys in Years 5-8 have their own hockey stick for PE/Games and competitive matches throughout the year. Sticks are widely available both online and locally. When deciding on size, the length should be from the floor to the hip bone. If in doubt, choose the longer stick: https://www.y1sport.com/collections/junior-2022.

Years 3 to 8 Games Kit: Autumn Term (Football/Hockey) and Spring Term (Rugby/Hockey) MTP Football/Hockey shirt (long sleeved/black with red piping)* Black MTP shorts (with red piping)* MTP Rugby shirt (Reversible black & red)* MTP black Rugby shorts* MTP Games/Rugby socks (long with MTP on calf) x 2 pairs* MTP black tracksuit top & bottoms* MTP beanie hat* Gloves (black/optional) Baselayer black top/bottoms (available at Pullens with MTP logo/optional but recommended for winter)* A medium sized towel (this should be brought to every session from November to February) Rugby/Football boots (with interchangeable ‘kite’ marked regulation rugby studs, includes moulded and blade types – metal studs are acceptable) Shin guards Mouth guard – compulsory for Years 4-8, recommended for Year 3 boys. Astro turf trainers (any colour) Indoor footwear with non-marking soles for use in the Sports Hall only Water bottle - clear bottle with name bar (compulsory and available from Pullens).

Please note that we will not be using generic bottles for games/school matches and that boys should bring their own in their sports bag for each session.

Games Kit: Summer Term (Cricket/Athletics/Tennis)

PE kit will be used for Athletics practices using astro trainers (spikes optional) MTP Cricket whites – trousers and MTP polo*

MTP Cricket cap (compulsory)* MTP Cricket jumper (optional)* Cricket/Athletics spikes (optional)

Water bottle - clear bottle with name bar (compulsory and available from Pullens)* A box (Years 4-8) is essential for Cricket (please note that Cricket boxes are to be worn with an ordinary pair of briefs/underwear, not boxer shorts). Indoor footwear with non-marking soles for use in the Sports Hall only

Please note: Your child will not require extra equipment such as bats, helmets and pads as the School can provide these as and when required.

Prescription goggles/Contact lenses

Pupils will be expected to wear prescription goggles for the safety of both the user and other players on the field of play, including in competitive fixtures. If you are unsure please speak to the Director of Sport. We will make an assessment of pupils during Games and contact parents if necessary to discuss further.


Clearly named clear plastic pencil case containing: Two pencils 30cm ruler (clear - not a flexi ruler); Eraser Pencil sharpener Y3 to Y4 - Berol Handwriting pen (blue) Y5 to Y8 - Blue ink required. Boys may either use gel pens (such as Uni-ball or Frixion) or an inexpensive fountain pen with spare cartridges (blue ink). Packet of 12 coloured pencils Packet of 12 fine felt tipped pens 2 Pritt Sticks

360 degree protractor (e.g. Helix L10) Pair of compasses, with suitable pencil Geometry set (Years 4-8)

Student atlas (optional: for use at home) Scientific calculator ( recommend CASIO FX-83GTCW or FX-85GTCW) Other equipment (Years 5-8)


Pupils should bring their books and equipment to school in a bag (back-pack or shoulder strap varieties are most suitable). School bags are stored neatly in designated storage compartments. Sports bags are to be taken down to the Sports Department at the beginning of the day and picked up at home time.

Please make sure that all books and equipment are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Lost Property

All items of clothing and property should be clearly marked; otherwise it is virtually impossible to identify them! There is a lost property box in the Long Corridor where your child should look if he loses an item. If it is an item of Games clothing that has been lost, pupils may look in the changing rooms, after they have sought the Director of Sport’s permission to do so. The P.E. Department keeps all Games clothing left in the changing rooms.

Daily Routine: Years 1 and 2

Pupils in Years 1 and 2 may arrive from 08.00. They will be dropped off in the car park and escorted to Pre-Prep by a member of the Pre-Prep staff. The school day begins at 08.40 so please arrive by this time. Please do not be late: it can be upsetting for your child to arrive during or after registration and the start of lessons at 08.40. Parents of pupils arriving late after 08.40, even by a few minutes, should report their arrival to the School Office. At the end of the school day the normal departure time is 15.30 for Years 1 and 2. Your child’s teacher will bring the class up to the car park and wait in front of the Francis Terry building. Parents should then wait for their child to be dismissed from their line and walk to them.

Daily Routine: Years 3 to 8 Pupils in Years 3-8 may arrive from 08.00, when the playground will be supervised; they will not be able to access lockers and toilets until 08.15. The school day begins at 08.30 when a whistle is blown on the playground.

Pupils arriving after 08.30 must report immediately to the School Office to sign in. Lateness is disruptive to the education of the latecomer and all his classmates.

The normal departure time is 15.50 for Years 3 and 4 and 16.15 for Years 5-8.

Please try to be on time to pick up your son as teachers have other commitments once the children have gone home. We shall try to see that he is on time for you.

Different collection arrangements: all years

Please let us know by email, by note or by telephone if your child will be collected either regularly or occasionally by someone other than his parents. We will not release your child to someone else without permission obtained in advance. Please also ensure that your child knows who will be collecting him on any given day. The pupils often get very anxious if you are late, and Staff may have meetings or duties to attend to. You should phone the School Office (before 17.15) if you are held up. Please also ensure that your child knows the pick-up arrangements for each day. Report to the School Office on arrival, and the Office Staff will organise for your child to be brought, or to come up, to the car park to meet you.

Clubs and Activities There is an extensive programme of clubs and activities running through the School; details will be provided by clubs coordinators. In Years 1 and 2 , clubs and activities end at 16.00; in Years 3 and 4 they end at 16.15, with a Late Club available until 17.15; in Years 5-8 they end at 17.15 and include a supervised prep club.

Late Club is available for pupils in Years 1-2 from 15.30 to 17.15 (paid for Y1 from 15.30 and paid for Y2 from 16.30); information is available from the School Office. Pupils who are more than 10 minutes late in being collected will be sent to the next available club, and a charge will be made if this is a paid club. Late Club for Years 1 and 2

Travel to and from school

Please make sure your children stay with you until they are safely in or out of your cars. There is danger on the driveway through the school and in the car park.

The safety of all the pupils must be our first consideration. When bringing your child to school or picking him up: • Please observe the one-way signs in the drive and car park. • Please observe the 5mph speed limit on the school site. • ALWAYS REVERSE INTO SPACES. • Please park your car and collect him from the member of staff at the meeting area (Years 1-4) or from the collection areas around the car park (Years 5-8). • Pupils have to ask permission before leaving with you (Years 1-4) , and pupils in Years 5-8 have to ask permission to leave at times other than 16.15. • Please wait on foot in the waiting area adjacent to the car park, using the pathways provided. We are unable to release your child directly to your car. • Once you have collected your child, please supervise him and other siblings, to ensure their safety and that of others. Please depart as soon as possible to allow others to park. • Please allow pedestrians to cross on the zebra crossing. • Please be courteous to other drivers at all times, and give way to others when required. • Dogs must be kept in the car and are not allowed on the school premises.

Cars are parked at owner’s risk. The School accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to property whilst remaining in the school grounds or premises.

Food in School Milk

Milk is available for morning break and you may order this through the office. Please do not order milk for your son if you know he does not like it! Please ensure that your son understands that he must drink his milk every day if ordered. Your son may bring a bottle of water instead if you wish.

Snacks A range of healthy snacks are provided by the School each morning for children in Year 1 and Year 2. These include a variety of fresh fruit, dried fruit and crackers (with or without butter).

In Years 3 to 8 , boys may bring a healthy snack such as fruit, a cereal bar or a small sandwich, or they may choose from our fruit trolley. Boys may not share their snacks.

Sweets, chocolate and chewing gum are not allowed.

Please note that snacks containing nuts will be confiscated.


School lunch is provided for all boys on a 'cafeteria' basis. A menu is posted on our website.

Vegetarian choices and salads are always served. All food prepared at school by the School’s caterers, whether for lunch, match teas, evening events, etc. will provide a meat option and a non-meat option. It is important that your child understands what labels such as ‘vegetarian’ mean and whether they apply to him. We do not offer kosher or halal food. It is important that we are told about any special dietary requirements for either religious or medical reasons. In this case please return the Food Form to the School Office, and include a doctor's letter if the reason is medical. Pupils in Years 1 and 2 are supervised in ordering their lunch; please indicate your wishes for milk and lunches on the Food Form and return it to the School Office. We cannot guarantee to comply with your wishes if we do not have this completed form by the end of this term.

Around the time of your child’s birthday, you may wish to buy a book to donate to the school library in celebration. When the book comes to school, we will put a dedication sticker in the front inside cover, so that in the future, children will be able to remember who donated the book. Your child will present the book to their class, and it will become a gift that will be shared and treasured in our library for many years. Birthday Treats in Years 1 and 2 Contact details Please ensure that we have up-to-date contact details, including details of emergency non-parental contacts, at all times. Please email the Office immediately to update your details if they change. This includes changes in address, telephone numbers, email addresses and family circumstances.

Communication with school

The School Office can be contacted via email on office@mtpn.org.uk or on 01923 825 648 from 08.00 to 17.15 Monday to Friday during term time. An answerphone is used at other times.

In almost every case where you have a query about your child’s experience in school, his class teacher or form teacher is the best first point of contact.

If you need to contact the Head out of School hours (in extreme emergencies only) please email emergency@mtpn.org.uk.

Our office staff and teachers are here to help you and we are committed to helping resolve any problems or queries that you may have. Our colleagues have the right to work in a safe environment and therefore, verbal abuse, aggressive or other inappropriate behaviour will not be accepted.

Here is a flow chart explaining who is best placed to answer questions your may have about your son’s experience in school. Please note that in the vast majority of cases, your son’s class teacher or form tutor is the appropriate first port of call. Please make contact via the School Office.

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Deputy Head (Pastoral)

Assistant Head (Wellbeing)

Senior Deputy Head


Absence Parents must contact the School Office first thing in the morning (and certainly by 8.30) by phone (01923 825648) or email (office@mtpn.org.uk) if their child is going to be absent from school because of illness. Parents must make this contact themselves: messages sent via friends, au pairs etc. do not fulfil our legal requirements. If pupils have pre-booked medical or dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside the school day, parents should request permission for absence in advance by contacting the School Office. We do not expect parents to request absence during term time for family holidays, or extensions of the holiday periods, as school holidays are generous enough and absences from school can be detrimental to a pupil’s progress. In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible for the Head to sanction time off school and written permission for absence from School other than due to illness should always be obtained beforehand from the Head. Any such request should be put to the Head before any travel plans are made.

Illness and medical issues

Illness which must result in absence from school

• Please do not bring your child to school if he is ill during the night or at breakfast time. • Please do not bring your child to school if he has had fever-reducing medicine such as Calpol that morning. • If we have to send your child home because of sickness, please wait until he is fully recovered before sending him back to school. • Bouts of high temperature, vomiting or diarrhoea require a minimum 24 exclusion period. Please do not send your child back until he has been symptom-free for a full day.

Medical issues in school

• If your child is well enough to be at school but still requires medicine, please complete a consent form available from school staff. Please note that only prescribed medicine

• We have a full-time School Nurse based mainly on the Prep site. Where possible she will take the lead in administering medication and assessing unwell or injured boys. • In the event of illness or accident at school your child will be dealt with by the School Nurse, or otherwise by one of the School’s qualified first aiders, and you will be called should he need to be sent home. • In the event of a serious injury the school will act in loco parentis, calling an ambulance if necessary. We will make every effort to contact parents in such a situation, but you are asked to sign the medical form giving us permission to approve emergency situations should you be unavailable. • In the event of even a minor head injury we do make contact with parents. will be administered in school. The School cannot be held responsible for failure of boys to take medicine, or for any problems arising from the administration of medicine at school.

Allergies and asthma

If your child has been diagnosed with an allergy or asthma it is important that you provide us with a confirmation letter from your doctor. The School Nurse will make arrangements to see you to discuss a care plan for your child.

Parents are requested not to send snacks containing nuts to school.

Food cooked on site does not contain nuts. Because of the prevalence of ‘traces of nuts’ in numerous products, the school cannot guarantee that it is completely nut-free.

Foods are clearly identified by the catering staff if they contain known allergens (such as egg).

Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) If your child has a severe allergy and carries an AAI for emergencies please contact the School Nurse who will advise you of school procedures regarding their use. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child’s AAI is not out of date. Pupils requiring an AAI may not attend school unless there are sufficient, in-date, AAIs available to facilitate the care plan.

Inhalers If your child requires an inhaler he may carry his own if you inform the School Nurse that you wish him to do this. You must provide us with a spare inhaler.


The curriculum in Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1) is taught through topics. There is opportunity to extend the topics that are studied to match the children's interests and excite their imagination. The priority remains to lay firm basic foundations and to establish good learning habits. The Key Stage 2 ( Years 3-6 ) and 3 ( Years 7 and 8 ) curriculum has depth, breadth and balance. It is a fourteen subject curriculum comprising: English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages, Geography, History, Religious Studies & Theology, Philosophy and Religious Education Art & Design Technology, Computing, Speech & Drama, Music, Philosophy for Children, Physical Education & Games and PSHE & Well-Being. Years 5-8 are grouped into vertical tutor groups within their Houses, containing pupils from all of these year groups, instead of forms created from a single year group. Years 3 and 4 each continue to consist of two single year forms.

The core academic subjects are examined annually in the Summer Term in Years 3-8. Years 5-8 also have formal assessments in the Spring Term.


Homework is set on Seesaw or Teams, depending on the age of the pupil. Pupils receive homework regularly, the amount varying by year group. In Years 1 and 2 we set regular homework in English and Maths, and we occasionally send additional work with individual children where we feel that it would be helpful to reinforce a particular skill or concept. We value parents' support in establishing good habits for pupils working at home; a regular time in a quiet place without disturbances is of great benefit. We have a Reading at Home programme for all the boys, which started in Reception; other homework tasks start from Year 1. We hope that you will value the opportunity to share a book at home with your child. Research shows that this activity has more effect on improving children’s literacy skills than any other form of reading. Further information will be given once your child has started school. Parental participation is essential and we hope you will make it an enjoyable experience and not treat it as a chore. There is no substitute for reading to your child whatever stage he is at, the benefits are invaluable.

In Years 3 and 4 boys receive English, Maths and one other subject as homework each week. In Years 5 to 8 boys receive one subject as homework each day. Our aim is that this homework is completed with increasing independence.

All boys in Years 3 to 8 are expected to read for thirty minutes a day, and to participate in enrichment activities.

Homework is valued as an important part of learning. Therefore, at MTP, in Years 5 to 8 we record Missing Homework . In reflection of the fact that pupils become more confident about their organisation as they mature, Year 5 are allowed one warning for each subject before they receive a Missing Homework sanction. Pupils in Years 6-8 do not receive a warning. When a pupil receives 5 Missing Homework sanctions in a term, a letter will be sent home to his parents to ask them for greater vigilance and support. Were he to acquire 10 Missing Homework Sanctions, he will be placed on a Green Card to allow form tutors to offer practical support in school. Parents will be notified about this by email. Should a pupil miss 10 homeworks in a term, the Assistant Head (Academic) will arrange a meeting with the boy’s parents to discuss strategies for coping better with homework.

Moral and Social Development

In Years 1 and 2 , assembly takes place every day; in Years 3-8 there are two Assemblies a week and daily tutor periods. These are useful times for discussing issues which affect everyone, such as care and consideration for others and the implications of living in a community. It is also a time in which to discuss our Word of the Week (‘friendliness’, ‘responsibility’, ‘compassion’ etc.) and Rule of the Week (speak kindly to each other, try your best etc). Appropriate behaviour is expected in the playground and around the school. It is constantly re-enforced in morning assemblies and in the classrooms by stories, example, role-play and strategies devised and shared by the children. There are two members of staff on duty at playtimes; they watch for unkind or inappropriate behaviour, and can deal with it on the spot. Our care and concern for the happiness and well-being of the children is of prime importance to us all: the general behaviour in the playground reflects this concern.

We should like to take this opportunity to remind you that the language children use to describe activities in the playground can give an inaccurate impression. Someone being touched or bumped in a chasing game can complain that "he hit me", someone stumbling can become "he punched me;" a friend not listening becomes "he won't play with me." The staff listen, sympathise, suggest alternatives and step in where necessary. All staff are involved in the pastoral care of the boys. Their work is co-ordinated by the Pastoral Care Group, which is led by the Deputy Head and also includes the Head of Pre-Prep, the Heads of House, School Nurse and Senior Assistant. This group represents all sections of the school and ensures effective communication and co-ordination of pastoral care issues.

The House System

On entering Year 3, boys are assigned to one of the four Houses: - Johnson (Yellow) , Livingstone (Green), Newton (Blue) and Wren (Red) . Brothers are automatically put in the same House to allow family support for one House. Regular House Meetings are held, and boys are involved in various teams, events and competitions. House Captains and Vice Captains are elected by boys in the House, and the tutors responsible for their House. House competitions include all major sports, non-sporting events, and the day-to-day accumulation of House Points.

Incentives and Sanctions

IIn Years 1 and 2 our positive approach to behaviour management is reinforced by the use of range of incentives including individual stickers and class or team points. These are often related to the characteristics of our learning friends. The pupils have weekly Golden Time for 30 minutes on a Friday. This is a time for free play as a reward for remembering our Fair Rules and making appropriate behaviour choices. Any small lapses or misdemeanours can result in individuals losing a minute of this time and a warning is always given before this happens. This promotes the important skill of self-regulation. In Years 3-8 , House Points are regularly given by staff for effort or achievement, or behaviour in line with our learning dispositions. Accumulating 100 House Points in a term will earn a Merit badge; 150 is a Double Merit, which is a coveted award. There are awards for forms, tutor groups and individuals who gain the most House Points. Pupils have a weekly Privilege Time of 30 minutes. This is a timetabled period of free play, and a reward

Competitive Sport Merchant Taylors’ Prep believes in the value of both co-operative and competitive sport, and acknowledges this in all areas of its Physical Education curriculum. We recognise that these concepts cannot exist independently of each other, and it is the managed exposure of the two combined which ultimately raises standards in School sport. The School has a selection policy for both teams and individuals. It also clarifies the responsibilities and expectations of all stakeholders associated with Merchant Taylors’ Prep Sport. The full document is available at the start of the new academic year. for upholding our Fair Rules and Code of Conduct. Failure to do so will result in pupils, on an individual basis, losing some of those 30 ‘minutes’ of Privilege Time each week. A ‘minute’ is therefore a low-level sanction. Any pupil receiving 10 minutes in a week will receive a Minus Mark, which is a formal sanction about which parents are warned. Minus Marks may also be awarded directly for gross breaches of our Code of Conduct. They indicate that a pupil’s behav iour is inappropriate. Pupils who accumulate three Minus Marks in an academic year may be placed on report to their tutor (a white card). Those who receive six Minus Marks may be placed on report to their Head of House or Head of Section (a yellow card). Those who receive nine Minus Marks may be placed on report to the Senior Leadership Team (a red card), at which point more serious sanctions may then follow. Individual Music Tuition From Year 1 onwards, pupils may learn a musical instrument in school if you should wish. We offer a wide range of musical tuition from piano to saxophone and even drums. Forms are available from the School Office to complete and return to the Office. Details of where to hire instruments can be obtained from the Director of Music. In Year 1 Beginner Group Lessons offer pupils an opportunity to trial a variety of orchestral instruments (brass, woodwind and strings) before selecting one to study in formal one-to-one tuition from Year 2. In Years 2-8 individual lessons are available across all types of instruments (brass, woodwind, strings including guitar, percussion and piano) and in singing. Pupils are withdrawn from lessons on a rota basis, and must catch up the work missed. There is a large number of groups for pupils to participate in, including four choirs, and there are regular recitals, competitions and other performance opportunities, many in partnership with Merchant Taylors’ School.

Communication with parents In Years 1 and 2 teachers communicate via Seesaw, email or via phone. Unfortunately, we are unable to distribute party invitations. In Years 1-4 there is an opportunity to meet with class teachers in the first half of the Autumn Term and Parents’ Evening is in the Spring Term. There are interim reports at the end of the Autumn and Spring Terms, with a full academic report at the end of the Summer Term. Should your child’s teacher have any concerns about his development she will contact you. Equally, if you have a problem, do not hesitate to make an appointment with his class teacher via the school office. In Years 5-8 , there is the opportunity to meet in person with your child and his tutor in a tutorial meeting, and a full virtual Parents’ Evening where you are invited to meet his subject teachers. Full academic reports are provided each term. If you wish to speak to anyone, your child's tutor is your first port of call. Please remember that we will be unable to see you in the morning as we are preparing for the school day; if you have an urgent message please give it to the teacher on duty in the car park or via the School Office.

Fees Fees and any extras from the previous term are payable in full by the first day of each term. Unless this condition is met, or there is a special arrangement for payment of fees agreed between the School and the parents, pupils may be refused entry to the School, or may be asked to leave. Please note that a 2% late payment charge will be applied monthly on outstanding accounts. There will also be a charge for any returned cheques. Please refer to the Parent Contract for further details.

Jewellery and haircuts

Children should not wear any jewellery or watches to school. Essential religious items are permitted, but these must be removable for P.E. sessions for the health and safety of all pupils.

Parents must ensure that their child’s hair is of a reasonable length, off the shirt collar, and is not cut in any unusual or exaggerated style. Hair should be in its natural colour only. Dying/bleaching is not allowed, and nor is the use of gel.

Charities Charity events are normally held once or twice a term, with proceeds going to the School's chosen causes. All the pupils help to support the work of a variety of charities and each year we help several worthy causes, international, national and local, with donations. We also support charities by holding Mufti Days at appropriate times in the school year.

Money in School Money should not be brought to school unless it is for a specific reason (i.e. class outing, special occasion or a charity event.) Any money sent to school should be in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and form/class name on the outside, along with the purpose for which it is sent clearly stated.

Complaints Merchant Taylors’ Pre-Prep welcomes suggestions and comments from parents, and takes seriously complaints and concerns they may raise. Please direct complaints to Mr Chester via the School Office. In addition, parents may contact ISI if they have any concerns about their child's education experience. ISI: CAP House, 9-12 Long Lane, London EC1A 9HA Phone: 020 7600 0100.

Policies available from the School Office:

Health and safety First aid Complaints Risk assessment

Behaviour Exclusions SEND/EAL provision Curriculum Anti-bullying

Recruitment Safeguarding

MTP Privacy Notice Staff code of conduct Admissions


Please let the Head know in writing if you do not wish your child’s name or picture to be included in any of the newsletters, school publications (including school magazine) on the website, filming, on social media channels or on TV by the end of your child’s first week at school.




























Assembly Point







YR (if on site) Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4







Other Staff

YN (if on site)





Classes and tutor groups Line up on the edge of the field with teacher /

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