1-8 Handbook
Pupils should bring their books and equipment to school in a bag (back-pack or shoulder strap varieties are most suitable). School bags are stored neatly in designated storage compartments. Sports bags are to be taken down to the Sports Department at the beginning of the day and picked up at home time.
Please make sure that all books and equipment are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Lost Property
All items of clothing and property should be clearly marked; otherwise it is virtually impossible to identify them! There is a lost property box in the Long Corridor where your child should look if he loses an item. If it is an item of Games clothing that has been lost, pupils may look in the changing rooms, after they have sought the Director of Sport’s permission to do so. The P.E. Department keeps all Games clothing left in the changing rooms.
Daily Routine: Years 1 and 2
Pupils in Years 1 and 2 may arrive from 08.00. They will be dropped off in the car park and escorted to Pre-Prep by a member of the Pre-Prep staff. The school day begins at 08.40 so please arrive by this time. Please do not be late: it can be upsetting for your child to arrive during or after registration and the start of lessons at 08.40. Parents of pupils arriving late after 08.40, even by a few minutes, should report their arrival to the School Office. At the end of the school day the normal departure time is 15.30 for Years 1 and 2. Your child’s teacher will bring the class up to the car park and wait in front of the Francis Terry building. Parents should then wait for their child to be dismissed from their line and walk to them.
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