1-8 Handbook

Leadership and Governance

Senior Leadership Team

Head - Mr Miles Chester Deputy Head – Mr Tony McConnell Deputy Head - Mr Andrew Crook

Head of Pre-Prep – Mrs Colette Quinlivan Assistant Head (Academic) – Mrs Lisa Waddell Assistant Head (Wellbeing) – Mr Richard Waddington School Business Manager – Ms Colleen Phillips


The Merchant Taylors’ Company founded the school in 1561 and the Merchant Taylors’ Educational Trust continues to be responsible to the Court of the Merchant Taylors’ Company for ensuring the due governance of Merchant Taylors’ School. The Governing Body consists of: representatives of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors’ of the Fraternity of St John Baptist in the City of London; OMTs; the Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School; Head of Merchant Taylors' Prep; the Bursar; and figures from the world of education and local community. A representative of the teaching faculty also attends meetings. Close links between the Company and the School have helped the school prosper for 450 years and it is our most earnest wish that they continue to do so. Mr Eggar, Chair of Governors, can be contacted via MTS.

Uniform and equipment list

Items marked with an asterisk (*) must be obtained from the official School supplier, Pullens and no substitute will be acceptable. Other items may be bought there or elsewhere. If there are problems over any item please enquire at the School before a substitute is obtained.

Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly named, with your son’s first name and surname.

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