1-8 Handbook
Years 3 to 8 Sportswear Pupils are expected to have a PE kit in school at all times to allow for timetable changes throughout the week. (Bring in on Mondays and take home to be laundered at weekends). It should be in the regulation PE bag, available from Pullens. The PE bag should be named. All games kit needs to be brought to school in a small or medium sized sports holdall, (not the large coffin type cricket bag, except in the cricket season) on Games days and when needed for after school activities. Sports bags should be taken to the correct area on arrival at school. Kit must be taken home for washing after each games afternoon. All pupils will be expected to play outdoor games throughout the year. Naming sports clothes Please ensure all items of clothing, footwear and sports bags are clearly labelled. Larger labels can be stitched on to clothing, or names written on the size tag. Thank you for your assistance in labelling your child’s clothes. It will help us to identify clothing quickly, and return sportswear to its owner if it is misplaced or lost.
Y3/4 Swimming Kit:
Speedo type trunks navy/black Drawstring bag clearly named (not a plastic carrier bag)
Comb Towel Goggles (adjusted to fit at home and previously checked for comfort)
Years 3 to 8 PE Kit Black, dry fit, MTP polo shirt with collar* Black MTP shorts (with red piping)* Black games socks (long with MTP on calf)* Black hooded top with red panels* Non-marking trainers for sports hall use (any colour/not to be used on the Astro Turf pitch) Astro trainers for use on the Astro Turf pitch (Not for sports hall use) MTP PE bag* It is recommended that boys in Years 5-8 have their own hockey stick for PE/Games and competitive matches throughout the year. Sticks are widely available both online and locally. When deciding on size, the length should be from the floor to the hip bone. If in doubt, choose the longer stick: https://www.y1sport.com/collections/junior-2022.
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