Getting Connected


• There’s an excellent Library, make good use of it and respect other users. • If you are not sure where to go, always feel free to ask someone. • Do the hardest task FIRST. • DON’T put off doing your work to the last moment. • Find a good space to work where you can concentrate and are free from distractions. Put your devices away. • Plan ahead. Get your work done FIRST, then take time to relax. • DON’T COPY homework. • DON’T cut and paste from the internet. • Ask your teacher for advice if you can’t do something.

Grades and Reports

You get these online. There are 3 sorts of reports at MTS – grade sheets, tutor reports and full reports. They go out electronically. We send the web page address just before your first reports are due. You (and your parents) get a log-in. (For you, it’s your network username and password).

Starting a new school

Coming to a new school can seem quite daunting but don’t worry, MTS is a happy school and you’ll very quickly settle in. L ike any other school there are occasional issues. We have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying. It doesn’t matter if it’s physical, name-calling, or by text/online. No one has the right to make anyone else feel bad about themselves. If you ever have an issue, stay calm, walk away, tell your tutor (or any teacher) straight away. Bullying only ever happens if people stay silent. Report bullying if you notice it. We have a zero tolerance policy on h omophobic or racist language or attitudes, and bullying. Respect each other.



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