
MTS is about joining in. So sign up for the clubs, societies and activities that take place during the Lunch Hour and after school. After a week or two of term there is the New Boys’ Fair where you sign up for clubs and societies. Your calendar and the school website tells you what’s on when. Make the most of your opportunities, you can discuss what’s on with your tutor. If you want to get involved in Drama, there’s the House Drama Competition every other year, a Duologues Competition (2 parts) and a Junior Drama production every year, plus the big shows. Keep your eye on the screens and the Studio Theatre foyer for details. Drama If you want to learn a musical instrument or singing you can have additional lessons during the day. If you need to miss an academic lesson remember to ask the subject teacher for permission in advance (you must catch up on work that you miss and do any homework set). You can join the choir or one of the bands or orchestras. There is a House music competition, and the Merchant Taylors’ Young Musician of the Year. Look out for music notices on the screens and in the music department. Music There are lots of trips, excursions and tours. Some take place during term time, others during the holidays. There are lots of great activities for all new boys - on-site and out of school. In the spring and summer term s there a re ‘Field Day s ’ - a day set aside for trips. You might go to a museum, zoo, historical site or sports grounds like Lord’s. Fourth Formers have an opportunity to visit The First World War battlefields in France. These trips are always educational and fun too. If you are keen, you can join one of the ski trips. They happen every year, sometimes to Europe, sometimes to the USA. The French Department organises a visit to Burgundy. Sports teams also tour the world. Boys often go abroad to play rugby, hockey or cricket. For older boys there are language trips to Germany, France or Spain and the Art department organises visits to galleries in places like New York. The orchestra and choir go on tour abroad too. Recently, there have been expeditions to places like Kenya, Peru, South Africa, Brazil, China, Vietnam, Australia, Canada and the USA. Travel


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