Tutors, Houses, Mentors and Forms
Getting in contact with a teacher
You can find teachers during break - “the Quarter” (11.00-11.20) or “the Hour” (1.50 or 2.40) in the Senior Common Room (SCR). Most teachers have classrooms and some have offices, so try there too. It is always best to email them first to see if you can fix a time that is convenient to meet. If it is more urgent, you can wait outside the Senior Common Room (SCR) but DON’T knock on the door.
• Ask a passing teacher who’s going in if they would mind checking if the teacher is in there
• The teacher will come and see you or the teacher you asked will pop back and say they’re not there
The SCR is strictly out of bounds to pupils.
If you want to see Dr Hesketh contact them via Mrs Wardley, who works in the school office opposite the 6th form common room. If an issue crops up, and your tutor’s not around, pop in and see your Head of House or Mrs Wardley.
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