CW0544_MTS_Taylorian_2024_Single Pages
Warhammer Club I started running the school’s Warhammer 40,000 club at the beginning of last term. Warhammer
group of super soldiers who worship the evil god of war. All three factions play significantly differently on the tabletop, with the T’au Empire and Imperial guard preferring long-range fire fights and the World Eaters favouring close combat. This allows for tactical depth between the different factions; newcomers can experiment with a wide range of different strategies each week. Henry Carpmael (L6th)
Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund. This year we were lucky to be awarded funds for three different miniature armies, which has given new members the opportunity to build and paint, rather than just play with, the models. The factions we chose are the Imperial guard (the standard soldiers of the Imperium of Man); the T’au Empire, comprised of aliens who fight for the greater good; and the World Eaters, a
40,000 is a strategic miniature wargame set in a dystopian future, where aliens and humans battle it out for galactic supremacy. The hobby has three major parts: building, painting and then playing with the models. Once a year every club in the school is given the opportunity to apply to the Clubs and Societies Fund, supported by the
Lego Club “Lego Club is great – it is a real test of ingenuity and creativity.” Pravir Paul (3rds)
“Every week we are set competitive challenges. I really like the way we are encouraged to be collaborative as well as creative.” Aaryan Pitamber (3rds)
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