CW0544_MTS_Taylorian_2024_Single Pages
From the Editor
M y intention when becoming editor of the Taylorian was to transform it into a vibrant celebration of everything that you have achieved over the academic year. I think we can all agree that Chris Wilsdon’s tremendous work in its design is befitting of such an extraordinary school and its many opportunities. I hope there is something in these pages that you can reflect on with pride. I would like to draw readers’ attention to Jonny Taylor’s valedictory and the article he penned about the battlefields trip. There are very few who can match his dedication in the school’s modern era. Despite our long and distinguished history, maintenance of the MTS culture is only possible through careful conservation; its traditions and heritage must be practised and then passed on. Jonny has upheld our values for thirty-seven years, and those of us who remain must strive to do the same. My job would not be possible without the year-round work from those on the Scissorum team – Lauren Green, Nate Ayling and Sonal Galaiya – and I would like to extend to them my gratitude. So too to Anneliese Brackin, without whose backing this fresh Taylorian would have remained a pipe dream. Last year I wrote that it had a new look; well, if that was a redecoration then this edition represents a refurbishment. As I close this editorial and reflect on what it means to be part of this great institution, I would like to share some lines from T. S. Eliot’s poem ‘Little Gidding’: ‘We shall not cease from exploration / And the end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started / And know the place for the first time.’ Mr D. G. Robinson
Design Chris Wilsdon, 3Sixty Creative Contributing Editors Anneliese Brackin Nate Ayling Lauren Green Sub-editors Kate Shockley, Lucy Solomon Photographers Patricia Rayner, Sonal Galaiya, Bailey Butler, Richard Dixon, Anton Cataldo, David Robinson and all in the school community who have contributed photographs over the course of the year. Cover Photograph by Patricia Rayner – Rugby 1st XV, Friday Night Lights
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