CW0544_MTS_Taylorian_2024_Single Pages
French Trip to Paris
D uring the first week of the October half-term, nineteen French students visited Paris for an immersive cultural and linguistic experience. We did not have to wait long for our speaking skills to be put to the test, conversing with ticket officers at the Gare du Nord to buy our metro passes so that we could get to our hotel. After we had navigated that first obstacle, we were ready for everything that the trip would throw at us. We started each day with lessons at a language school in the heart of Paris, the highlight of which was a heated debate about free speech in contemporary French society. Lessons were followed by lunch, after which we would go sightseeing and complete a creative challenge. A highlight of the trip was a cruise along the Seine. From the top of the boat, we had a clear view of Notre Dame, as well as the Musée d’Orsay, our primary destination for the following day. The museum boasts many exceptional
paintings and sculptures, as well as fascinating architecture. These excursions made for a very memorable trip, and we are very thankful to Mme Danis and the French Department for organising it. Urijah Otibo (U6th)
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