CW0544_MTS_Taylorian_2024_Single Pages



O ctober saw the final of the House Drama competition. The audience eagerly awaited the start; the adjudicators (Mr Hilton-Dennis and Mrs Moss) waited patiently, pens in hand. Without warning, Alex Elliot burst onto the stage – thus began the first piece. What followed was an impressively timed and comic performance. White House was next, and the mood changed. Led by Charlie Leigh and Seth Warnapala, this precisely directed piece evoked the sombre feelings of attending a funeral; the audience found it deeply moving. Josh Simpson’s Raphael House House Drama

Awards: Best Play: White House Best Director: Josh Simpson (Raphael) and Seth Warnapala & Charlie Leigh (White House) Best Actor (Middle School): Ashton Brown Best Actor (Upper School): Ben Ward Special Recognition: James Kay; Monty Halkerston

kept watchers absorbed with their clever use of multiroling and tight dialogue. Absurdist comedy was next as James Kay played ‘Crowbar Gary’, who tried to get one over a well-respected barrister (Monty Halkerston). Monty received plaudits for his well-written piece, despite only being in the Fourth Form. Dark humour followed as Andrewes delivered a brutal yet oddly funny tale of patricide through overdose. The final piece (Manor) was a slick, comic, and thought-provoking insight into the medical world, written and directed by Yuvraj Juttla. Mr J. R. Talboys

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