Club & Societies at School

Charity Drive

This is a group of 20-30 students from Years 11-13 that meet weekly to discuss and organise events to raise money for a range of different charities. Some of the events include the Non Uniform days, Sleep Out, 24 hours of Music. There is a short application and interview process that every student has to go through. We are looking for some new faces to help run the events and bring some new ideas for fundraising.

Year Group(s) : Years 11-13;

Time : Tuesday LUNCH;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : EP54

Lead Staff/Contact : Mrs Hall

Chemistry Clinic

Drop-in sessions for help with Chemistry.

Year Group(s) : Years 7-11;

Time : Friday LUNCH;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : CH47

Lead Staff/Contact : Dr Lomas

Junior Chemistry Club

An opportunity for 3rds and U3rds to investigate new and interesting experiments, with plenty of colours, flames, explosions and fun! New this year, we will also be giving students the opportunity to gain an externally recognised award through the Crest Scheme by completing a Chemistry-related project.

Year Group(s) : Years 7-8;

Time : Monday LUNCH;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : CH45

Lead Staff/Contact : Dr Lohr

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