Club & Societies at School

Dissection Club

This academic club provides students with an opportunity to learn about a broad range of vertebrate animals and organs through the traditional medium of dissection. Sessions will be a mix of demonstrations and discussion as well as hands-on work. In demonstrations you will be able to observe a dissection of an animal or organ, ask questions and handle organs. Many sessions, however, will be more practical and you will also have the opportunity to work in pairs or small groups to dissect specimens while supervised by myself and a member of the 6th Form.

Year Group(s) : All;

Time : Tuesday LUNCH;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : BY60

Lead Staff/Contact : Dr Komissarova

Dixieland Band

The Dixieland Band is one of the School's three jazz bands, specialising in early jazz styles, with a focus on learning to improvise. The players are amongst the best in the school, and represent the School and the Department throughout the year at Open Mornings, Jazz Night, and Quiz Evenings in addition to the main school concerts. Membership of the Dixieland Band is by invitation only. Rehearsals start on Tuesday 10 th September.

Year Group(s) : Years 10-13

Time : Tuesday MORNING;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : Recital Hall in the Music Department

Lead Staff/Contact : Mr Couldridge

MTS Drama Technical Theatre Club

New members welcome. In addition to attending the club, some boys will be selected for Technical (Stage Lighting, Sound etc) & Stage Management Teams for the Junior Drama Production this term and will need to attend according to a rehearsal schedule.

Year Group(s) : Years 9-12;

Time : Monday LUNCH;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : Studio Theatre

Lead Staff/Contact : Ms Clarke

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