Clubs & Societies
Club name: 'The Herrick' English Society Teacher: Mr Hilton-Dennis
Brief Description of Club A society whose purpose is to introduce you to the wider world of English Literature and English Language. Here you will discover writers, texts, literary movements, theorists and ideas that go far beyond the syllabus and the confines of any particular subject. It is the society of choice for those studying or who have in interest in studying English at A Level, and for those considering reading English at university. Sessions are led by a mixture of boys and staff from across different departments and are characterised by stimulating presentations and seminar discussion. The Herrick is a meeting point of inter-disciplinary ideas and liberal minds, and a natural starting point for independent scholarship.
Which Year groups: 10, 11, 12, 13
When is the club running: Wednesday Afternoon
How do I join: Use the code to join the activity on Teams pc26ky7
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