Clubs & Societies
This booklet is a guide to the range of activities available during online learning in the spring term.
Please note that this document will be subject to constant updates, new Clubs and Societies will be offered throughout the term.
The most up to date information will be on the website. Please find following the link: The important thing is to join in! If you are keen on something that is not being offered, then why not start your own club or society! To do so you will need to find a member of staff willing to sponsor you and then arrange a time for the club to meet.
Please email Mr Evans-Evans at for further details on how to set up new clubs.
Clubs & Societies List Below
Club name: Airfix model club
Teacher: Dr Marianne Lohr
Brief Description of Club We are making models of historical aircrafts, ships and tanks. Models can be purchased via Amazon. Starter sets will inlcude paint, paint brushes and stickers. More advanced modellers are also welcome. We are looking at the historical background, as well as making dioramas for our models. We have also been making videos .... Which Year groups: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
When is the club running: Wednesday Afternoon
How do I join: Use the code to join the activity on Teams o10f1dc
Club name: Senior Science Society Teacher: Mrs Rashid
Brief Description of Club
Weekly online talks, open to the whole school to discuss the world of Science.
Which Year groups: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
When is the club running: Wednesday Afternoon
How do I join: Use the code to join the activity on Teams tc16eia
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