Clubs & Societies

Club name: Board Game Club

Teacher: Mr Rowlands

Brief Description of Club

This will be run via the website Games such as 7 Wonders or Terra Mystica. Which Year groups: 11, 12, 13

When is the club running: Monday & Wednesday Afternoon

How do I join: Use the code to join the activity on Teams 1s2t5pm

Club name: Outreach

Teacher: Mr Evans-Evans

Brief Description of Club

Helping local schools with a variety of projects

Which Year groups: 12, 13

When is the club running: Thursday Lunchtime

How do I join: Email Mr Evans-Evans to request to join (Invite Only)

Club name: Italian Club

Teacher: Ms Troletti

Brief Description of Club Do you like Italy? You would you like to know how to prepare a pizza or real pasta alla carbonara? Italian art fascinates you? You would like to be able to say more than 'Ciao! Buongiorno!' when you travel to Italy? Do not miss this club! Every week we will discuss a different topic in order to allow you to now more about the 'boot'.

Which Year groups: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

When is the club running: Friday Afternoon 1545

How do I join: Use the code to join the activity on Teams 1fra1is

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