Concordia 2025
Concordia Winter 2024
L ife in the Music Department is never dull; there is always something in preparation, whether it is an Informal Concert involving a handful of boys, a larger occasion like the Joint Concert, or one of the less frequent set-piece events like the Triennial Service, the Merchant Taylors’ Company Joint Schools’ concerts and the occasional Lord Mayors’ Show. All our concerts require careful planning, but the larger events need much more detailed preparation. Music for the Large Occasion
The three-yearly interval between the Triennial Services gives a sense of continuity but also allows clear recall of how things were done last time. Apart from the daunting task of moving the school community from Sandy Lodge to St Paul’s Cathedral, with the necessary risk assessments in place, other considerations involve the structure and content of the service, which involves readings, prayers and, of course, the music. Plans for the repertoire begin as soon as the previous service has finished: the choir anthems need to be suitably grand, yet accessible both to performers and
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