Concordia Winter 2021
Jas Nagi (2007-2014) I have been in Antarctica for 380 days, working as a radar/electronics engineer! Most recently I’ve been repairing antenna used for aircraft communications which were destroyed by a recent storm. I’m craving fresh fruit, to be honest; this tinned food is too much. The last apple I ate was eight months ago.
OMT survey and prize winners! Thank-you to all those OMTs who responded to the latest OMT survey. Almost 700 of you have completed it and your responses will help us shape our programme of events and communications in future. We particularly appreciate the comments you have left about your experience at Merchant Taylors’ and the many staff and former staff that you wished to acknowledge as having had such an impact on your lives. You may recall that we offered an incentive to complete the survey with the offer of five £50 Amazon vouchers. The lucky winners are Christopher Carr (1968-1973), Philip Feibusch (1978-1982), Timothy Collins (1986-1990), Peter Newman (2000-2005), Neel J. Trivedi (2003-2008). Hopefully they will all select Merchant Taylors’ as the beneficiary charity on Amazon Smile when they spend them! If you haven’t completed the survey, you can still do so. Also, if you know of any OMTs who are no longer in contact with the school, please share this link with them so they can re-connect: OMT-survey
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