
Concordia Winter 2023


Class of 1983 – 40-year reunion

which he illustrated how his passion for the Classics came to carve a path in diplomacy. In Fit for the Future , OMT President, Andy Rose (1977), tackled the enormous topics of climate change, digital currency and healthcare with three excellent speakers, Clara Barby CBE, Dr Matthew Williams and Varun Paul (1998-2003). Our MTS Together talks can be found on the website here uk/events/mts-together-events. The OMT Society have continued to hold formal dinners and lunches including the City Luncheon which has been fortunate to be addressed by eminent speakers. Professor of Medicine and Education at St Bartholomew's Hospital, Dame Parveen Kumar, spoke at the spring luncheon and PwC Partner (Global Leader of Capital Projects and Infrastructure group), Mr Richard Abadie, addressed the autumn event. OMTs were welcomed to school productions of Fame , the Autumn concert, Joint Concert and Spring Spectacular. The school also hosted their first Careers Fair for those who studied humanities subjects at university. This was wonderfully well supported by the community with over 30 OMT and parent speakers attending to share their expertise and experiences with the students.

The school and OMT Society marked the occasion of the King’s Coronation with the planting of an Oak Tree near the Design Centre. This also coincided with a memorial service held in the Chaplaincy Centre marking the 90th anniversary of the dedication of the Chapel. Friends of MTS events such as the Scrummers' Dinner Dance, the Yard Arms’ Festival by the Lakes and the Serenaders' Jazz Night illustrate the strength of bonds between the school and its community and allows every family the opportunity to support the numerous different pursuits the boys get involved in while at the school. All these events have been embraced by the whole Merchant Taylors’ School community, providing avenues to connect and celebrate associations with school. Concordia is not only woven with the threads of tradition but is continually enriched with new experiences, connections and memories. As we reflect on the past year's activities, we invite all members of the Merchant Taylors’ School community to share their ideas and suggestions. Your feedback is invaluable, helping us tailor future events to your preferences, ensuring they remain vibrant, relevant, and engaging. If you would like to share your views, please email .

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