
The education provided in Nursery and Reception is a very effective, practical and oral curriculum which is taught through a range of exciting and stimulating topics. We encourage the children to develop the following Learning Attitudes: concentration, communication and collaboration, independence, imagination, empathy, wisdom, perseverance, curiosity and risk taking. The children participate in a wide range of teacher led and child-initiated activities in all areas of development in both the indoor and outside environment. They also receive dedicated Music, French and PE lessons delivered by specialist teachers. In Nursery each child has a Journal which is a record of the exciting learning journey that they have experienced during their time in Nursery. It demonstrates how they have learnt new skills, acquired new knowledge and shown their understanding. In Reception the children develop their communication, language and literacy skills through a programme which involves the introduction of reading and writing. In mathematics, practical activities (including applying knowledge to solve problems) are planned to ensure that concepts are clearly understood. This exciting learning is recorded in subject specific books that chart the progress the children make during their time in Reception.

Communication with parents

You will receive regular overviews of topics. There will be an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher in the Autumn and Spring Term. There are interim reports at the end of the Autumn and Spring Terms, and a full academic report at the end of the Summer Term. If your child’s teacher or key adult has any concerns about his development, they will contact you promptly. All pupils in Nursery and Reception require a book bag which is available from Pullens. In Nursery this comes to school once a week as directed by the Nursery staff. In Reception these are needed every day. Each child is given a folder with his name on it at the beginning of the year. This is to ensure that letters from school are delivered safely to parents. Please return the folder with your child the following morning in his book bag. This ensures that any communications from you reach us. Unfortunately, we are unable to distribute party invitations in the folders or book bags. This should be done by you and your child out of school

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