Charities Charity events are normally held once or twice a term, with proceeds going to the School's chosen causes. All the pupils help to support the work of a variety of charities and each year we help several worthy causes, international, national and local, with donations. We also support charities by holding Mufti Days at appropriate times in the school year. Complaints Merchant Taylors’ Pre-Prep welcomes suggestions and comments from parents, and takes seriously complaints and concerns they may raise. Please direct complaints to Mr Chester via the School office. In addition, parents may contact Ofsted or ISI if they have any concerns about their child's education experience:

Ofsted: Royal Exchange Buildings, St Ann's Square, Manchester, M2 7LA. Phone: 08456 014772;

ISI: CAP House, 9-12 Long Lane, London EC1A 9HA Phone: 020 7600 0100

Policies available from the School Office:

Recruitment Safeguarding

SEND/EAL provision Curriculum Anti-bullying Health and safety First aid Complaints Risk assessment

MTP Privacy Notice Staff code of conduct Admissions

Behaviour Exclusions

Publications Please let the Head know in writing if you do not wish your child’s name or picture to be included in any of the newsletters, school publications (including school magazine) on the website, filming, on social media channels or on TV by the end of your child’s first week at school.

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