Daily Routine Nursery Nursery start welcoming the children in at 09:00, with doors closing promptly at 09:15. The Nursery day finishes at 15:00. If you are running late, please contact us so that we can reassure your child. If you are delayed beyond 15:10 he will attend Late Club, for a fee, until you arrive. Reception Reception starts welcoming children in at 08:15, with doors closing promptly at 8:40. Please do not be late, as lessons start promptly and it can be upsetting for your child to have arrived after the day has started. The Reception day ends at 15:20. If you are running late, please contact us so that we can reassure your child. If you are delayed beyond 15:30 he will attend Late Club, for a fee, until you arrive.

Early and Late Club for Reception & Nursery

We offer an early drop-off service for an additional fee:

• Nursery: drop off service at either 08:00 or 08:30 • Reception: drop off service at 08:00

We also offer a Late Club service for Nursery and Reception pupils where activities available are play based, for an additional fee:

• First session: runs until 16:30 • Full session: runs until 17:15 includes a light tea (sandwiches, fruit & water)

If your child stays for either of the above Late Club services, please provide a healthy, nut-free snack.

Further details, such as costings, are available from the School Office.

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