New Boys' Booklet 2022
Good Manners
If you work hard and are polite you will get on well with your teachers.
• get to lessons on time • look before you go through a door and hold it open for an adult or another pupil • don’t disturb people who need to concentrate • respect quiet spaces like the Library • respect everyone who is here to help you • put your lunch tray away • respect your environment. We are committed to sustainability. Recycle whenever you can, take your litter with you
There’s a break every two lessons so you only need to put into your bag what you need for the next 2 lessons, you can put everything else in your book locker. At 3.40pm make sure you’ve got the books you need to do your homework. You get a changing room games locker for your kit. We give you 2 padlocks. If you forget/lose your key, you go to the main school office in the Undercroft. We snip your old padlock and provide a new one – but we charge £5 for that. So take care of your keys and keep them with you.
Bags left lying around are a hazard. Please ensure your bag is on a bag rack and not on the floor. Bags on the floor can block the corridor. Please make your school bags indentifiable so you can find it easily amongst others. e.g. name tag, coloured threads or a keyring
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