New Boys Booklet
(G) = Ground Floor; (F) = First Floor
Vehicle Entry/Exit
Metropolitan Line
Manor of the Rose
Warrior Pitches
1a Long Drive 2
Gold Notes
Manor Car Park 2a Delivery Depot and Lost Property 3 Coach Park 3a Sir ThomasWhite Drive 4 Biology 5 Modern Languages 6 Classics (G); Art (F) 7 Lecture Theatre (G); Art (F) 8 Music & Recital Hall 9 The Beast Sculpture by Lynn Chadwick (OMT) 10 Design Centre 10a Design Centre Car Parking 11 Great Hall (F); Careers, VI FormCentre (G) 12 Admissions 13 Headmaster’s House & Oce 14 Maths (G&F) 15 Library 16 Examination Hall 17 English (F) 18 Maths 18a English & Psychology 19 Chaplaincy 20 Cloisters: Inner Quad 21 Clock Tower 22 Flagsta 23 Physics (G) 24 Chemistry, Computing, Music Technology (F) 25 Technical Services (F) 26 Religious Studies (G), Politics & Economics (F) 27 Parade Ground 28 E.H.Carr History Building 29 Bursar (F); Senior Teachers (G); Head Porter (G) 30 Dining Hall 31 The Lun (Tuck Shop) 32 Changing Rooms 33 StudioTheatre 34 Edward Evans Geography Building 35 CCF 36 Sports Hall 37 Swimming Pool 38 Lakes 39 OMT Car Park 40 OldMerchant Taylors’ War Memorial Clubhouse 41 Tennis Courts +MUGA 42 Sailing Pound 43 AstroTurf Pitches 44 1st XV Pitch
You win gold notes for good work. The teacher processes these electronically and they are sent to your tutor, the Head of Lower School and also to you! These are converted into House Points so that your individual achievement boosts your ‘House in the ‘Top House’ competition.
PedestrianExit to Moor Park Tube
Commendations & Distinctions
If your grades show you have been putting in an outstanding effort or you have made outstanding contributions elsewhere in the school, you will receive a Distinction. Outstanding individual pieces of work are given a commendation - which again entitles you to receive a certificate from the Head Master. There are two form prizes per form for academic achievement and improvement during the year - they are awarded on St. Barnabas’ Day (Speech Day). 19 18a
If you break the school rules or don’t work properly you risk being punished. Minor offences get you a daily report card or a demerit which is sent to your tutor and the Head of Lower School. More serious misbehaviour gets you a one hour detention on a Thursday after school. There is a Saturday detention for particularly serious offences or repeat offenders.
Patterns are quickly picked up on, and may prompt your tutor to address issues with you (or your parents, if they persist or are more serious).
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