

An introduction from the Editor:

Contributing Editor Mr J. M. S. Rippier Sub-editors Mrs K. Shockley, Mrs L. O.

Solomon, Dr M. I. Hetherington, Miss M. J. Fitzpatrick, Miss L. S. Green, Mr A. J. Richardson Photographers Patricia Rayner, Sonal Galaiya, Bailey Butler, Richard Dixon, Anton Cataldo and all in the School community who have contributed photographs over the course of the year. Front cover Patricia Rayner, School pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, September 2022 Left MTS gathers to mark the Coronation of King Charles III

M y first encounter with the Taylorian was in July 2006; I had just finished my Third Form year and was proud to see the inclusion of one of my articles. That issue was edited by Jon Rippier, so it feels like things have come full circle as he entrusts me with the publication he revived and rejuvenated in 2004. Jon recognised its importance in building institutional memory and maintaining the School’s culture. Alongside his broader work as Director of Communications, he has woven the School’s narrative thread for twenty years, allowing us to communicate our values and the full extent of a Merchant Taylors’ education. More than this, though, he has helped pupils preserve their treasured memories. He will be missed. We also bid farewell to several other stalwarts: Caron Evans-Evans has given 26 years of unstinting service to MTS; Philip Harrison and Lottie Drew have served for over a decade and have done so much for pupils and staff. Matt Flower’s work with PHAB is only a fraction of the influence he has had. This year the School has borne witness to history as we paid tribute to the extraordinary life of Queen Elizabeth II and welcomed King Charles III to the throne. We also cemented our strong links with the City of London by supporting a Merchant Taylor on his appointment as Lord Mayor and welcomed him to the School soon after.

What remains the same, though, is the endeavour of our pupils. Indeed, what I have enjoyed most about this role is the opportunity to read about all their wonderful pursuits and how much value they place in them. It is fitting, therefore, that much student writing can be found in these pages, which I hope captures the spirit of their experiences. We also feature some creative writing – including satirical work from the popular Dependent magazine – as well as some exceptional artwork. 2022-23 feels like the first proper year post-pandemic, when residential trips abroad resumed, and our co-curricular and sporting provision was the most expansive it has been for some time. We can only hope that 2023-24 is equally successful. I would like to close my first editorial by thanking all the boys and colleagues who have submitted articles and photographs throughout the year; Jon Rippier for bringing this new-look

Taylorian to fruition; and to Chris Wilsdon at 3Sixty Creative for his brilliant work in its design. David Robinson, Editor


Taylorian 2023

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