1-8 Handbook

• We have a full-time School Nurse based mainly on the Prep site. Where possible she will take the lead in administering medication and assessing unwell or injured boys. • In the event of illness or accident at school your child will be dealt with by the School Nurse, or otherwise by one of the School’s qualified first aiders, and you will be called should he need to be sent home. • In the event of a serious injury the school will act in loco parentis, calling an ambulance if necessary. We will make every effort to contact parents in such a situation, but you are asked to sign the medical form giving us permission to approve emergency situations should you be unavailable. • In the event of even a minor head injury we do make contact with parents. will be administered in school. The School cannot be held responsible for failure of boys to take medicine, or for any problems arising from the administration of medicine at school.

Allergies and asthma

If your child has been diagnosed with an allergy or asthma it is important that you provide us with a confirmation letter from your doctor. The School Nurse will make arrangements to see you to discuss a care plan for your child.

Parents are requested not to send snacks containing nuts to school.

Food cooked on site does not contain nuts. Because of the prevalence of ‘traces of nuts’ in numerous products, the school cannot guarantee that it is completely nut-free.

Foods are clearly identified by the catering staff if they contain known allergens (such as egg).

Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) If your child has a severe allergy and carries an AAI for emergencies please contact the School Nurse who will advise you of school procedures regarding their use. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child’s AAI is not out of date. Pupils requiring an AAI may not attend school unless there are sufficient, in-date, AAIs available to facilitate the care plan.

Inhalers If your child requires an inhaler he may carry his own if you inform the School Nurse that you wish him to do this. You must provide us with a spare inhaler.

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