1-8 Handbook
The curriculum in Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1) is taught through topics. There is opportunity to extend the topics that are studied to match the children's interests and excite their imagination. The priority remains to lay firm basic foundations and to establish good learning habits. The Key Stage 2 ( Years 3-6 ) and 3 ( Years 7 and 8 ) curriculum has depth, breadth and balance. It is a fourteen subject curriculum comprising: English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages, Geography, History, Religious Studies & Theology, Philosophy and Religious Education Art & Design Technology, Computing, Speech & Drama, Music, Philosophy for Children, Physical Education & Games and PSHE & Well-Being. Years 5-8 are grouped into vertical tutor groups within their Houses, containing pupils from all of these year groups, instead of forms created from a single year group. Years 3 and 4 each continue to consist of two single year forms.
The core academic subjects are examined annually in the Summer Term in Years 3-8. Years 5-8 also have formal assessments in the Spring Term.
Homework is set on Seesaw or Teams, depending on the age of the pupil. Pupils receive homework regularly, the amount varying by year group. In Years 1 and 2 we set regular homework in English and Maths, and we occasionally send additional work with individual children where we feel that it would be helpful to reinforce a particular skill or concept. We value parents' support in establishing good habits for pupils working at home; a regular time in a quiet place without disturbances is of great benefit. We have a Reading at Home programme for all the boys, which started in Reception; other homework tasks start from Year 1. We hope that you will value the opportunity to share a book at home with your child. Research shows that this activity has more effect on improving children’s literacy skills than any other form of reading. Further information will be given once your child has started school. Parental participation is essential and we hope you will make it an enjoyable experience and not treat it as a chore. There is no substitute for reading to your child whatever stage he is at, the benefits are invaluable.
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