Club & Societies at School

Percussion Ensemble

Percussion Ensemble caters for all boys who play percussion - both untuned (such as a drum kit) and tuned (such as a xylophone). If you are a pianist and fancy trying your hand at playing in an ensemble, you can join this group to play tuned percussion straight away! The Percussion Ensemble also trains percussionists for larger ensembles such as the Symphony Orchestra, Concert Band or Wind Band, and performs in major concerts and chamber concerts throughout the year. Open to players of all levels.

Year Group(s) : All

Time : Thursday MORNING;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : Recital Hall in the Music Department

Lead Staff/Contact : Mr Lawrence

Phab Club

The 6 th Form Phab team meet bi-weekly with Phab guests from the local area, organising and running activities.

Year Group(s) : Years 12-13

Time : Friday AFTER SCHOOL;

Frequency : Fortnightly (Week A);

Location : Design Studio 1

Lead Staff/Contact : Mr Willson

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