Club & Societies at School

Alfred Marshall Politics and Economics Society

This club is designed to broaden your understanding of Politics and Economics beyond the classroom. With talks – by students, staff and external speakers – debates, and discussions of current issues, there is something to suit everyone! And it should help cement or stretch ideas learned in the classroom.

Year Group(s) : Years 11-13;

Time : Friday LUNCH;

Frequency : Fortnightly (Week B);

Location : EP55

Lead Staff/Contact : Mr Martin and Mrs Rochow

Arkwright Scholars Club

An Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is the most esteemed scholarship of its type in the UK, designed to inspire students to pursue their dreams and change the world as an outstanding engineer of the future. The Scholarships are awarded to hard-working 16-year-old students through a rigorous selection process. Scholarships are sponsored by a commercial company, trade association, university, professional institution, armed service, government organisation, worshipful company, charitable trust or personal donor. This means that support is offered in various different ways, for example, valuable hands-on work experience, support for your curriculum project and a personal mentor who can help you with aspects of your studies and career planning. The Arkwright Scholars Club provides support for Arkwright Scholars' curriculum project and a mentorship to help with aspects of their studies and career planning.

Year Group(s) : Year 11;

Time : Monday LUNCH;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : Design Studio 1

Lead Staff/Contact : Ms Park

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