Club & Societies at School

Art Cafe (Invite Only)

A club to get your creative juices flowing! Learn skills and get involved in various creative projects, many of which will be displayed around the school.

Year Group(s) : Years 7-9;

Time : Monday LUNCH;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : FF6

Lead Staff/Contact : Mr Cataldo and Mrs Speker

Art Scholars

Mandatory meeting for all art scholars. We will be discussing ideas, learning techniques and working on creative projects around the school. Art Scholars only may attend.

Year Group(s) : All;

Time : Thursday AFTER SCHOOL;

Frequency : Fortnightly (Week B);

Location : AD90

Lead Staff/Contact : Mr Cataldo

Asian Society

A platform for students to discuss and learn about South and East Asia. Topics will vary each week and will include topics such as: music, film, history, food, politics, key figures, landmarks etc. Each week will be different. We encourage everyone to attend and partake in the discussions and debates held every Thursday in PY17 during the hour. It will be fun!

Year Group(s) : All;

Time : Thursday LUNCH;

Frequency : Weekly;

Location : PY17

Lead Staff/Contact : Miss Chakraborty

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