
Concordia Winter 2021 Obituaries

Martin Drury (SCR 1982-2016) died on 4th January 2021 aged 66 M artin Drury taught Classics at Merchant Taylors’ from 1982- 2016. He was a highly respected academic both within and outside the school, a successful House Master of White and former President of the SCR. Room was one of relentless affability and terrific wit. MFD was educated at Christ’s Hospital, where, besides his academic prowess, he distinguished himself as an actor, and was much lauded for his performance

Authors and Works and a splendidly concise and elegant Metrical Appendix – a magisterial introduction to the notion of quantitative metre, which offers as good a precis of this complex topic as any available. His contributions to this work brought particular thanks in the preface from the editors, EJ Kenney and Wendell Clausen. There surely could have been no doubt that a figure of true academic seriousness had joined the school, and his teaching in the coming years continually demonstrated this. It is difficult to do justice to what MFD did in 34 years in the classroom, but one former pupil’s observation that not

For 34 years, MFD offered to his pupils and colleagues a seemingly endless supply of erudition and knowledge. He was one of the truly scholarly figures of recent years at Merchant Taylors’, and will be remembered by a generation of MTS Classicists for his unfailing commitment to and belief in scholarship and learning. Despite this somewhat formidable description, his presence in the Common

of Hamlet. From there, he went to Jesus College, Cambridge, where he took a Double First in Classics before undertaking graduate work on Ovid. In 1982, after a spell of teaching at the University of Birmingham, he moved to Merchant Taylors’. This was the year in which the Cambridge History of Classical Literature was published, to which he contributed a sweeping Appendix of


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