All school staff may be contacted via the school office, who will be happy to redirect an email or take a message. School staff are always on hand for quick messages at the beginning of the day and at the end of sessions. However, please be aware that their main focus at this time is to ensure that the children arrive and leave safely. You can always ask for an appointment if you have something important to discuss
If you need to contact the Head out of school hours (in extreme emergencies only) email emergency@mtpn.org.uk.
Our office staff and teachers are here to help you and we are committed to helping resolve any problems or queries that you may have. Our colleagues have the right to work in a safe environment and therefore, verbal abuse, aggressive or other inappropriate behaviour will not be accepted.
Parents must contact the School Office first thing in the morning (and certainly by 8.30) by phone (01923 845990 – Nursery or 01923 845991 - Reception) or email (office@mtpn.org.uk) if their child is going to be absent from school because of illness. Parents must make this contact themselves: messages sent via friends, au pairs etc. do not fulfil our legal requirements. If pupils have pre-booked medical or dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside the school day, parents should request permission for absence in advance by contacting the School Office, for the attention of the Head of Pre-Prep. We do not expect parents to request absence during term time for family holidays, or extensions of the holiday periods, as the school holidays are generous enough and absences from school can be detrimental to a pupil’s progress. In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible for the Head to sanction time off school and written permission for absence from school other than due to illness should always be obtained beforehand from the Head. Any such request should be put to the Head before any travel plans are made.
Illness and medical issues
Please do not bring your child to school if he is ill during the night or at breakfast time. Please do not bring your child to school if he has had fever-reducing medicine such as Calpol that morning. If we have to send your child home because of sickness, please wait until he is fully recovered before sending him back to school. Bouts of high temperature, vomiting or diarrhoea require a minimum 24 exclusion period. Please do not send your child back until he has been symptom-free for a full day. Illness which must result in absence from school
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