New Boys' Booklet 2022

Tutors, Houses, Mentors and Forms


You meet your tutor when you come into school the day before term starts. Your tutor looks after you throughout your time at the school and is often your first point of contact, keeping an eye on how you’re doing and helping you solve any problems. You talk to your tutor about your work and get advice about sports, clubs and societies. Your tutor registers you most mornings in your tutor group. There are about 13 boys in each tutor group. One will be your age (so you always have a friend around), some will be about your age, and others will be older. This way you get to know boys of all ages and this helps you feel at home very quickly.


You join the same House as your tutor and will meet your Head of House and the House prefects on your first day. Houses meet every Tuesday or Wednesday to organise competitions, sports, charity events and a lot of the “fun stuff”. There are 8 Houses. You can tell the House someone is in from the different coloured stripe on his tie.



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