New Boys' Booklet 2022
Tutors, Houses, Mentors and Forms
If you are joining the Third Form, you will meet an older boy who is your mentor; he will look out for you and help you settle in. This is usually an older boy in your house who is a prefect; a member of the JCR. Those joining in 4ths will also be contacted by an older boy from their House, in the first few weeks of term, to enquire how things are going and offer their experience and guidance, if desired.
The JCR ( Junior Common Room)
The JCR is the MTS prefect team. About 60 senior boys help the teachers with routine discipline, like the lunch queue and making sure bags are left in the right place. The senior prefects are ‘the monitors’ led by the Head Monitor (Head Boy), they wear green ties.
The other JCR members (prefects) are ‘Prompters’. They wear maroon ties and sit at the side in assembly.
‘schools’ = sections
Each form (year group) has an MTS name and is part of a school section with a Head of School.
LOWER SCHOOL Third Form (year 7) Upper Third (year 8) Fourth Form (year 9)
MIDDLE SCHOOL Divisions (year 10) Fifth Form (year 11)
UPPER SCHOOL Lower Sixth (year 12) Upper Sixth (year 13)
Dr Hesketh is in charge of your section of the school .
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