M erchant 7aylorsÖ 6chool is proud of the opportunities proYided for our young musicians. %elow you can read the thoughts of seYeral students %en &ooper $arnaY +astantram 'hiren .hemlani 2scar :illiams .ian &onti 7homas (asterbrooN and +ugh 6uggett. What is your involvement with music? TE: I sing in two choirs and play the cello in our symphony and chamber orchestras. OW: I play in the concert band. AH: I sing in the chamber choir and the choir; I play in the percussion ensemble, concert band, CCF band and big band; I take weekly music lessons for the organ, trumpet, piano and voice. I recently achieved a Distinction in my Grade 8 Singing exam and thoroughly enjoy playing in the frequent organ recitals, informal concerts and main concerts, my favourite being the Autumn Concert. DK: I’m in the concert band, symphony orchestra, wind quintet and the choir.
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