


7he science 2lympiads are fierce competitions designed to extend the principles learnt at $ /eYel and which reTuire students to haYe undertaken wider reading and study. Those who achieve the top award are deemed to be in the top fiYe per cent of students nationally. Science Olympiads

Chemistry Gold Awards: Miles Johnson, Zain Ahmed, Alex Quarry, Faiz Siddiqui, Roshen Gnanakuru, Krishna Thayaparan, Henry Carpmael. Silver Awards: Oliver Southon, Edward Ault, Mateo Frankic Ruppen, Akshay Mistry, Kush Vora, Kai Patel, Saran Rai, Kyle Shah, Daniel Drizen, Yash Madhaparia, Niam Patel, Thomas Easterbrook. Notably, Thomas Easterbrook is the first Fifth Former at MTS to have sat the paper, making his achievement all the more impressive.

Biology Gold Awards: Faiz Siddiqui, Krishav Sehdev, Matthew Ault. Silver Awards: Alex Cumming, Amar Sethi, George Dalton, Oliver Costigan, Iago Palmer, Taiga Suzuki. Bronze Awards: Yuvraj Juttla, Suleiman Malhi, Paasha Mohammadi, Oliver Southon, Adam Khan, Saavan Patel, Anthony Poole, Saran Rai, Mustafa Syed.

Physics Top Gold Awards: Krishna Thayaparan, Alex Quarry. Gold Awards: Han Se Kendall. Silver Awards: Zain Ahmed, Shaan Fisher, Luka Hinton, Aayush Pandit, Stefan Jahora, Shivam Sangani. Bronze II Awards: Emre Arslan, Karam Gidda, Rayan Joshi.

Arkwright Engineering Scholarships This year MTS has secured a record six Arkwright Engineering Scholarships: Zachary Scott, Andrei Antohe, Aditiya Kulkarni, Rohan Aggarwal, George Killigrew and Ciaran Davies. Obtaining the scholarship is a challenging process, involving an initial application followed by a design and engineering examination, and culminating in an interview with experienced engineers. The achievement grants pupils access to several benefits, including engineering-based work experience, funding for future projects, valuable industry connections, and a competitive edge when applying for engineering-focused university courses.

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